Growth Programmes

Optimising Lead Conversion


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So, you have generated more leads as a result of better marketing – but these will need converting by your salespeople to add value to the business. Great help and advice for anyone involved in trying to help a customer buy – sales predominantly.

In our terminology a lead is any revenue opportunity – any response, enquiry, expression of interest, complaint – any contact with a prospective customer, a new customer, a new client or a maturing client, whether initiated by your company or by the contact. A maturing client is someone who comes back to you and re-orders again and again. 

A prospective customer is somebody who has never bought from you.  

So, what is lead conversion? Simple, it is the process by which your company ‘converts’ a revenue opportunity into revenue. Which means that every contact made by a prospective, a new customer, a new client or a maturing client with your company is a revenue opportunity or a revenue enhancing opportunity, which boils down to one thing – more revenue for the business.

This says that every contact made with your company is a revenue opportunity.

Client fulfilment or customer satisfaction in other terms, lead generation and lead conversion comprise the heart of every world class company.

These core elements are how you deliver on a promise to a prospective customer, convert that customer interest into revenue and fulfil that new customer’s expectations in full over and over again increasing the lifetime value of that customer to your business.

The process has to be seamless – from lead generation, through lead conversion and on to client fulfilment or customer satisfaction – this process must be seen as one thing – a joined up mechanism that works smoothly – if your process baulks at any point, if a leader of any part of the process fails to deliver, the whole process comes down.

One system, three components – not three systems.

This one system will help you and your team deliver on your vision as a systematic whole. Manifestation of your vision absolutely, positively, physically, visually, emotionally, functionally, financially and as articulately as it possibly can.  

The disciplines that we talk about will enable you to do that. They are the means through which you articulate your vision.

Now on to the lead conversion discipline enables you to convert every possible opportunity that your company will ever have into revenue, to the degree that is possible, which in turn will grow your company, expand your company’s reach, touch more people, create more awareness, generate more acceptance and preference for your brand, help you achieve your objective which should always be to become the pre-eminent company in your chosen market, in your chosen industry – the ultimate realisation of your business.

That said, without a disciplined focus on lead conversion your company cannot achieve the objective of being world class.

We’ll show you over the next few sections how to ensure that your lead conversion system does the job for your business.

Become a Member to read the rest in the series!

  • Giving your Customers the Opportunity to say Yes
  • The 5 Step Lead Generation Process
  • Designing your lead generation process
  • Customer Product Perceptions
  • Lead Conversion Process – steps 4 and 5
  • Lead Conversion Infrastructure – People and Paths
  • Client/ Customer Re-Conversion
  • Upsides and Downsides of Customer/ Client Relationships 
  • 5 Step Process – 3 to 5
  • Gathering Customer Information    

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